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Make business resources available 24/7

New Tech Services Level Agreement (SLA)

Regular SLA
First Response to Support Ticket

The longest amount of time you will have to wait for a first response to a support ticket or email is 1 hour. This is measured from the minute your ticket or email is received by our system.

Ticket Update Frequency

The longest amount of time you will have to wait for an update while we are working on your ticket is 2 hours. This is measured from the last time we responded to the ticket or email.

Escalation to Senior Staff Time

Should your issue require escalation to senior staff, you will wait no more than 90 minutes for the escalation to happen and the senior staff member to contact you.

Quality Availability
- Comprehensive guarantees
- Fine tuned through years of experience
- Extension of our core values
- 100% network uptime
- 100% power uptime
- Fast deployments, faster support responses

Transparency Accountability
- Real-time Report
- Easy to understand
- Easy to access
- Automated monitoring
- One-click process
- No jumping through hoops

Our aim to achieve customer service excellence is delivered through our distinct “global reach and local touch”.
We truly appreciate your business and look forward to a great relationship!

Copyright © 2010 New Tech Services. All rights reserved.

Developed by New Tech Services.